Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Phoning it in

Yesterday I totally bombed on a paper for one of my classes.  I hate that feeling.  Like I want to apologize as I hand it in (which now a days occurs over the Internet so thankfully I didn't have to make eye contact).  But still...I hate that.  New goal- only quality work.

Gavin left for Boston yesterday on business for the week.  Before he left he went to the grocery store, made a crockpot of shredded BBQ pork, and did a few loads of laundry.  All of which I appreciate...and it's smart because then I love him as he is leaving instead of hating his guts for abandoning me with the kids.  Not like he has any choice...but I've stayed in the Marriott with him in Coolidge Corner, where he gets to sleep WITHOUT INTERRUPTION and go to dinner every night to one of the many cool little funky restaurants along Beacon Street and Harvard Ave- it's pretty sweet.  Especially THIS time of year...I miss Boston.

The kids act like they are entering Shawshank when he takes off.  They look at each other like, "Now the torture begins."  Which maybe does make sense because I am about as fun as a teeth cleaning.  Especially this week when I have papers due for class.  I felt guilty for about 3 seconds, until I remember that Dalton has an average of two play dates a day- his first with his BFF, and his second with the boys on our street who long board every evening.  Shelby and Garrett are equally entertained and loved.  The street is constantly calling for them to come out and play, or ride bikes, or play with the neighbor's new puppy.  They will be FINE.

Watching the Early Show for 2 seconds today, I heard a good analogy by one of the producers of the new movie: http://howshedoesitmovie.com/  She said, "Guilt is to motherhood, as rain is to Seattle.  Find a good umbrella."  I love that.

Shelby and I are walking to school this morning with the group of girls from our street, and she says "Mom (but said MAUGHM!) didn't you say that we were going to get a dog?!"  Me: "Yes, we will when we're ready." Her: "Well I don't even really want a dog anymore."  Me: "Really?"  Her: "MOM, I haven't wanted one since we got our third cat...it's DAD who really wants a dog."  I am looking at my friend Ann, and we are both trying not to laugh.  "OK," I say, "Good to know."  Later she says, "But I am NOT going to be the one to tell Dad, because it will BREAK-HIS-HEART."  Oh yes, he will be heart broken I am sure. ;)

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