Saturday, August 20, 2011

To do list the Saturday before kids start school


10:00 AM

Get dressed
Do hair and make up
Make bed, put clothes away
Run a clorox wipe and vacum over bathroom (tomorrow I am scouring)
Clorox the kids' bathroom ( I dare take on Gavin's?)
Make a grocery list (Dan's and Costco) (Gavin is going to a Costco run tomorrow)
Mow the lawn (have Dalton do it to earn money towards his new shoes?)

Leave for Nordstrom (Fashion Place):
Get Tom's high tops for Dalton (decided he didn't like the regular tom's...ugh)
New shorts? for Dalton
Return Shelby's shoes that don't fit her
Get new shoes for Garrett

Go to Gunthries or Fisher's to look at commuter bikes for me (found the bike of my dreams...operation talk-Gavin-into-it)
Get a big boy bike seat mounted to the back of it.
Get saddle bags for the back as well.
Get a U lock for the bike.

Go to the U of U bookstore (with Dalton): (tomorrow)
Get my books (tomorrow)
Get my notebooks for class? (tomorrow)
Get Dalton his three ring binder, highlighter and pen (so he can breathe again) (tomorrow)

Email Cassia and Sara on carpool for Arts Academy.
Email Ashley and Ann on walking school bus for Uintah.

Update calendar with girl scouts, SCC meetings, volunteer needs for Uintah, etc

Sell Allison Krauss tickets (emailed people interested in them).

Figure out technology for the Arts Academy (google docs, etc)

Book massage with Kura Door

Clean out email

Make sure Book of Mormon tickets are purchased

Ask Mom if she can watch Shelby on Monday


Kati said...

I'm impressed you have such a detailed list. I am exhausted after reading it. The thought of you, at a book store with a toddler sent me into a panic attack :)

Ashley said...

Oh my gosh, the thought of doing ANY of that with a toddler sends me in to a panic attack! No, it is divide and conquer in this family. Garrett stays with his Dad at the park while Mom runs all the errands.

Although I did have a nervous break down after shoe shopping with Dalton. That kid has some picky taste, and why he doesn't realize that his mom is hipper than he'll ever be, I do not know! ;)