After what must have been a wonderful petting of the neighbor's dog, she came over to see what me and the baby were up to across the street. Here's Jim and Lucy...the nicest Atheist and furry lab we could ever know.
And there's Garrett...flooding their sidewalk.
And there's Shelby turning the camera on herself.
And there's Mom's behind...gee, that does look lovely.
...Garrett and dog...
...more Garrett and Dog...
And now she decides to walk over to her best friend's house to see if she can play...no answer.
Back to the house to watch Dalton do some math sheets...
Now she finds Garrett getting his diaper changed. In case you worry that he is being left unsupervised...
Here's Dad!
...And back to see Mom checking Dalton's work.
Dalton showing off/making a motion like "I am going to shoot you in the face" with his new marshmallow gun that he got from the Farmer's Market the day before.
I just had to put this picture in here because I think it is the ugliest non-maternity/non-post-partum/non-nursing photo that has ever been taken of me...just so you know. If you want to blackmail me in the future with a heinous photo...this would be the one to use.
Honestly...I don't know what it is. The man sees a camera and his body has one of two instant reflexes. It will either spontaneously make the Gene Simmons's tongue, from KISS...or it will make the ferret face. I can't find an example of the ferret face right now...but don't worry- you'll see it soon enough. I can post this photo of him because I just posted the world's ugliest photo of myself...in case you already forgot.
Another photo of the photographer.
...and more bed-head...what time is it now anyways?
Garrett comes in to give his five cents...(with two shots of the famous Randall toes)
...Shelby had to take a picture of her dog poster...of course!
...and now Dalton takes one of her...
...or two!...Ta Dah!!
And Garrett tells them both "I want that camera, and you'd better hand it over OR ELSE!" (really he just pointed with his finger...but we all know that is what he meant).
And that was all...because the camera needed to charge.
That was so cute! It was neat to see her perspective of your family.
If that picture is unflattering than don't look at any of me...really. I don't think you could take a bad picture.
I love these pics! So fun to get the behind the scenes view. :)
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