Saturday, July 30, 2011

More pictures from the beach 2011

 Garrett at the beach
 John with his lobster catch

 Dalton, Jackson, Caroline, Sam, and Madeline at Surf Camp

 Dalton catching a wave

  baseball game on the beach
 Shelby who turned in to a wiffle ball champ

 Aunt Karen with Charlotte
 Shelby sliding in to home

 Cousins on the lifeguard tower 

 Me and my snugly guy
 Garrett and more of his silly faces

 Gavin's Mom Martha with us

 High five for the home run

 Dalton hitting a ball
 burying the cousins in the sand during the day
 Garrett debating whether to jump in or not

 Jeffery, Jessica and Garrett in the hole
 The Hoopes gang at the beach

 Jackson, Dalton and Jeffery

 Shelby getting ready to snorkel
 Playing games in Aunt Karen's apartment

 Me and my best darling girl Shelby
 Gavin and his best little buddy Garrett

Dinner time at the beach

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