Thursday, January 20, 2011

If You Save A Neighbor's Puppy...

Here is what I see in Garrett's secret hiding corner, after I spend thirty seconds in the kitchen this morning making a smoothie. Thank goodness it is not a Sharpie...but still.
A couple of days ago my neighbor's new puppy escapes from her yard. While I run out to grab it, Garrett gets in to a leeeetle beeet of trouble. As I am cleaning up the sippy cup that he spilled under the table, he moves on...
to putting Dalton's toys in the garbage. As I am fishing those out, he moves on to...
putting our cat down the laundry shoot. As I am letting her out of the laundry shoot he...
is putting my bath mat in to the cold tub water from his bath that I had gotten him out of, right before I heard a puppy barking outside, and had to run out to save it.
While I am ringing out the mat, and putting it down the laundry shoot, I come back in my bathroom to find that he has put my towel in my toilet. And that's when he gets...
time out (notice my unmade bed in the background). It doesn't look like it is really accomplishing what it is supposed to.
What else? Something flushed down Gavin's toilet today...what?...we don't know. He kept saying "hat" afterwords, so I am hoping that it belonged to a LEGO man or a Playmobile, and not one of Shelby's stuffed animals. Then there was the MoonDough that he shoved in to the top of my wicker chest in my room. Better than yesterday, when he wet the MoonDough with the entire contents of the cats' water bowl, and then I ruined my Dyson by vacuuming up the sludge that wet MoonDough turns in to and it is now permanently encased in every stinking crevice of my Rolls Royce vacuum.

1 comment:

Delia said...

I am speechless. Wow...he is...busy. You are such a patient mom.