Like, you think things about people who have too many cats, or eat too much, or wear too much make-up, or live in South Jordan, or drive a Hummer, or a Range Rover, or a motorcycle, or eat at Chuck-a-Ramma, or the Olive Garden, or go through the Drive-Thru to get a super-duper Big Gulp...
or people who yell at their kids, or shop with their kids when the kids are screaming, or people who litter, or people who smoke, or people who run marathons, or people who get plastic surgery, or people who are ultra-religious, or people who are not religious, or people who lie, or people who have children when they shouldn't, or people who don't have children when they should...
or people who speed, or people who are rude, or people who want to be famous, or criminals, or pedophiles, or drug users, or workaholics, or social climbers, or Republicans, or Democrats.
You just have thoughts about people. It's human nature.
So, I am going to write this paper. And I am not sure what will come out...I'll let you know.
On a side note, here are the Men whom I would ask to be part of our family, if Gavin wanted me to have multiple husbands (and don't think that Gavin doesn't have a ten page list of potential sister-wives for me...cause he does...and we compare lists).

Here is the formula: you have to be a combination of at least two of the following:
funnier than crap, hotter than crap, more damaged than crap, passionate about issues that are important, or smarter than crap.
9. Reza Aslan...he is smarter than crap...and funny...and hot.
you are right on with that list!
and that Argentinian is FINE!
That paper sounds intriguing. I hope you post your paper if you feel comfortable doing that. I am CONSTANTLY judging people. I try to turn that part of my brain off or ignore it but it is always running that judgmental comment reel that can be kind of funny to listen to sometimes.
The actor from the count is lovely and don't Eddie and Dave have the most divine voices?!
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